
Archive for March, 2009


Originally uploaded by bellafiore

Socks are causing major issues so far. I’ve ripped and lost stitches and unraveled and reknit. UGH! I tried to use the four double points and then my knitting teacher suggested I just go with three. That seems to have helped a bit since there’s not so much to keep track of. Of course I could do this on a circular needle I’m guessing, but I want to learn to knit with these double points. It seems like real knitting; the stuff my mom used to do. I want to be able to call myself a REAL KNITTER.

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Central Park Hoodie:  Finally Finished!

Central Park Hoodie: Finally Finished!

I’ve really gained confidence since finishing the Central Park Hoodie this winter. It took me a year to complete, but now that it’s done I have been able to really understand the process of knitting and putting together a garment, not to mention finally learning the art of cables. As an artist I am starting to experiment in my mind with how I could incorporate knitting into my work. I am interested in seeing sculptural examples of knitting and possibly exploring how to knit surfaces with photographs. I don’t really know yet how this will develop. If you know of things out there that could help me….artists you’ve seen or knitters who do this, let me know. I have gotten more into Ravelry too lately, updating my notebook with projects I’ve completed and started to better understand this process. My current projects are a pair of socks and a short sleeved, English lace sweater pattern by Pam Allen that I found on Knitty.It is a more sophisticated sweater with the lace pattern. I wanted to learn how to knit lace and this seems like a good medium range pattern to learn with. I also think there will be a challenge with the shaping and keeping in the lace pattern. Can’t wait. I am thinking about this project constantly. I think it ‘s the color of the yarn…a fresh spring green, that’s most appealing to me. The socks are another matter. Between trying to learn the tiny double points and how to handle them and then just using this yarn that’s too, small for a first time sock project. I don’t quite understand why people are so into sock knitting. I guess it’s supposed to go quickly or something. It’s not happening for me yet. Maybe if I keep at it.
Just Starting....Love the Green

Just Starting....Love the Green

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